Tuesday, September 18, 2018

random music

just something to brighten up your day mow...

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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

48in. x 48in. patio table

last month or so iv been working on a table during my breaks at work that is designed to look like a pallet. it is NOT made from a pallet it is only made to look like one. this is meant to give it character and to fit perfectly for some decor.
 top view
 side view
 front view with no draws yet
 bottem of the table where you can see the only leg hole cut so far
 middle draw and right side "L" draw shape like a L to go around the table leg when the leg gets installed
 draw upside down to show off the bottom
 draw face plate with the back plate and the draw all together but not attched to each other
draw face plate up close

Use this link to direct yourself to the index of Topics related to Ausland https://cwfindex.blogspot.com/